
Smartphones have become perhaps “too smart” for many consumers. I don’t know about you, but I guess ,on the average, I only get to use less than half the functions on my phone.

I suspect I am not the only one with the experience.

With the news that Apple is planning to come up with a cheaper  phone about half the price of the current model, I can’t help thinking this maybe the direction smartphones go in the future.

Hopefully, soon we’ll be able to just pay for the functions we use.

The Magical 199

Many popular smartphones are priced at USD 199. And now, same price is being charged for an increasing number of Tablets as well, such as the Kindle Fire, Nexus 7 and possibly the upcoming Microsoft Space.

Apparently,the 199 price tag does great wonder in prompting consumers to buy such products without much hesitation.

Perhaps, any price ending in 9 cannot be wrong?

China Ventures

With a rising middle class, China certainly has the potential of becoming a top global market for consumer goods. However, many foreign businesses only find themselves exiting it soon after arrival.

Some causes:

1.Absence of unbiased Feasibility Study before plunging in

2.Lack of understanding of Local Market and Culture

3.Blanket implementation of Management and Marketing Practices from home without proper adaptation

4.No Mid and Long -term Strategy, just trying to make a fast buck

5.Failure to do as the Chinese do while in China…

Emerging Asia

As the economy in Asia keeps growing, there is increasing demand for quality foreign Health/Wellness Products as well as Stylish and Functional Consumer Goods.

Given the rapid rising of the middle class in the region, the potential is enormous!

I look forward to working with international marketing professionals in areas of mutual interest.

Ck Lam

Hong Kong, gateway to emerging Asia